Welcome to Big Muddy Mandolin
Big Muddy Mandolins are hand-crafted. Real wood. Simple design. No plywood.
we build Mandolins, Mandolas and octave mandolins.
People ask how we can make a mandolin so fast.
Well, we don't start out with a pocket knife and a tree. We started building your mando 3-4 months ago!
The un-official mandolin of major league baseball
View Our Mandolins
Featured Mandolin: MW-1
Phone: 573-698-1010 Email: swingdog@bigmuddymandolin.com
Best to email us as, even though were are on the ‘no call’ list, we get plenty of moron solicitors begging for our money. We hardly ever pick up the phone.
Actually, we also respond to hand written letters....if we are in the mood.